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6th Grade Science
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” - In order to act as a Christian in a secular world, students must begin to develop a basic understanding of the position held by those who do not accept this biblical truth. Science for sixth grade is designed to aid the student in understanding the natural world. Areas of study include classification, cells and heredity, motion and energy, variables, and controlled experiments. God has created a complicated, ordered universe and is honored when we search for and recognize His role in our world.
Life Science (7th Grade)
Life Science is an introductory course in which students are exposed to a wide range of topics regarding the study of the living world. Topics include exploring science, the scientific method, cells and heredity, photosynthesis, plant growth, history of living things (creationism vs. evolution, classification systems, the study of various phyla to include invertebrate and vertebrate organisms and ecosystems. Laboratory sessions will also be used to enhance understanding of concepts. An introductory dissection series will also be included.
Earth & Space Science (8th Grade)
Earth and Space science is a survey class in which students develop an appreciation for the incredible creation of God. This will occur through lecture, laboratory activities, and in-class discussions. Topics that will be covered include: Aspects of natural science, the Earth’s motions, Stars, the Sun, the Planets, Asteroids, Comets, the Moon, and Space Exploration. Other topics include aspects to Meteorology, the Atmosphere, Geology, Rocks and Fossils, Earthquakes and Volcanoes, and the Oceans. Laboratory sessions are designed to enhance the student’s understanding of material covered.