6th Grade English
Sixth graders will continue to develop reading fluency which leads to greater comprehension and enjoyment of reading and the ability to use reading skills and strategies in other areas of study. They will learn how to think about what they read, put together information from many sources, communicate effectively in writing and in speech and be successful problem solvers. Students will read fine literature which will illustrate for them the best possible use of language and stimulate them to think about, write about, and discuss important ideas and concepts. They will do a tremendous amount of writing, both independently and collaboratively. Reading lessons will prepare the students for further study in higher level courses and will include word knowledge, comprehension skills and strategies, vocabulary, writing, listening, speaking and viewing, grammar usage and mechanics, and study and research. Higher-level thinking skills are expanded to include analyzing the worldview presented and integrating ideas and concepts into everyday life from a Christian worldview position. Additional skills such as note taking and all skills used to write a research paper will be included.
7th Grade English
Seventh Grade English includes the study of literary texts from a Biblical perspective and within the historical time periods of the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, Elizabethan England, the American Civil War and 1960’s America. Integrated within each literary piece studied, students will expand their vocabulary and review grammatical skills, which will be applied as they develop and refine their writing skills through short stories, persuasive essays, biographies, poems, and research papers. 7th Grade English also encompasses the issue of academic honesty, originality and integrity in both writing and research.
8th Grade English
Eighth Grade English studies literature from a Christian worldview and includes the study of American poetry, World War II in Europe, Civil War in America and Elizabethan England. Integrated within each literary piece studied, students will expand their vocabulary and grammar skills, which will be applied as they develop and refine their writing skills through journaling, short stories, persuasive essays, poems, autobiographies, and research papers. Spring semester, an analysis of one book from a designated outside reading list is required. 8th Grade English also encompasses the issue of academic honesty, originality and integrity in both writing and research.