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LS Fine Arts

LS Honor Choir
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The MCA music program is designed to promote children's natural enthusiasm for music. It is intended to encourage children to discover and develop their musical abilities through singing, playing instruments, creative movement, and guided listening. Students are trained to recognize and demonstrate the basic elements of musical rhythm, texture, tempo, dynamics, and form.

Performance opportunities include a Grandparents Day Concert, Christmas Concert and Spring Concert. In addition, Fourth and Fifth grades participate in the ACSI Choral Festival.

3rd - 5th grade students who wish to further expand their musical experience may audition for the Lower school honor choir. Rehearsal takes place two days a week after school and performances take place during lower school concerts, ACSI festival and community events.


MCA art classes meet weekly and focus on foundational elements of art as well as art history. Students create 2D and 3D artwork using a variety of techniques and materials. Their work is displayed over the course of the year during Grandparents Day, Christmas and Spring Fine Arts events. Students in the fourth and fifth grades have the opportunity to enter artwork in the ACSI Art Festival based on teacher selection.