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Dress Code

MCA Dress Code

The administration reserves the right to determine if a student is dressed or groomed appropriately. MCA has chosen to implement the dress code policy through the use of a uniform program.

It is required that all school uniform bottoms are to be from globalschoolwear.com and bottoms to be from the Spirit Shop and are in good condition.  Shirts and pants may not be torn; pockets must be intact and collar buttons must be kept sewn on and buttoned. Sweatshirts and other spirit wear may not be worn if there are holes, rips or torn cuffs.

Students need to be fully dressed and in compliance with the MCA dress code upon arrival on campus.

Jacket, sweatshirt and other approved outerwear will be available from the MCA Spirit Shop.

There are clear biblical principles which ought to govern choice for dress:

  • Dress and grooming styles are deemed inappropriate if they attract undue attention to the outward appearance, detracting from the reflection of Christ, which initiates internally. (I Timothy 2:19)
  • Dress is to be distinctively masculine and feminine, reflecting a wholesome appreciation for God’s creative plan. (Deuteronomy 22:5)
  • Immodesty in dress is incompatible with the concept of the Christian as one indwelt by the Holy Spirit, God Himself. (I Corinthians 6:19- 20)