Theme: Bible heros with a focus on character traits
ACSI /Purpose Design - Studies on character traits of various people in the Bible with the application to students' life.
- Teacher directed Bible study with multi-sensory follow-up activities
- Praise and worship music
- Corporate prayer time
- Weekly chapel (frequent student performances)
- Weekly Scripture Memorization
Language Arts
Wonders, McGraw Hill Companies
UFLI: UFLI Foundations Explicit and Systematic Phonics Program
Handwriting without Tears - Cursive
- Review the phonics knowledge and skills developed in first grade
- Continue to develop fluency
- Formal instruction in grammatical usage
- Utilize fiction and nonfiction selections which are organized into
meaning-based learning units, each of which revolves around compelling
concepts from across the curriculum
- Refines writing skills to communicate knowledge
- Pursue personal and collaborative inquiry through study and
research, identification and accessibility to needed information as well
as communication opportunity with classmates
- Class novels (“Charlotte's Web" and "Mouse and the Motorcycle")
Typical Learning Centers:
- Library Corner
- Computer Center
- Centers for Thematic Units and Novel Units
- Spelling Centers
Eureka Math
- Systematically teaches math concepts through active participation
- Introduces problem-solving success through early exposure and
continual practice of key math concepts and fundamental concept
- Exposes students to calendar, clock, money, measurement, calculators and computers
- Students analyze data, see patterns, explore mathematical relationships and number theory
- Students continue working with addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, place value, fractions, decimals, integers,
ratios, proportions and percent
- Students have continual practice using mental math, estimation, graphing, probability and statistics
- Encourages students in algebra and geometry readiness
- Consistent connections between math and language
Typical Multi-sensory Activities:
- Computer games
- Geo boards
- Experiences with money
- Precision teaching for mastery of facts
- Board games designed to practice key math concepts and fine tune basic skills
Social Studies
Heritage Studies 2, BJU Press - "Community and Government"
- Weaves together knowledge, skills and citizenship to form an integrated program
- Lays the ground work for the study of history be developing the
basic concept of sequence, cause and effect, and the roles of all people
in a community
- Uses literature to help children understand that our concerns today have also been concerns of people in the past
- Systematically integrates themes from our country including government, citizenship, economics, culture and geography.
Typical Multi-sensory Activities:
- Thematic units on state history and other relevant topics
- Special Seasonal Events
BJU Science 2
- Students learn to observe, manipulate, and explore the world around them
- Exposes students to life, physical, earth, and health science
- Affords hands-on experiences in and out of the classroom
- Presents science concepts in the context of real places (fossil site, woods, city, campsite, playground)
- Integrates real life applications
Typical Multi-sensory Activities:
- Field Trips
- Building models
- STEM Program
Co-Curricular Classes
- Music
- Spanish
- PE
- Library
- Art
- Technology